Desktop Helper - a practical guide to improve difficult-to-manage asthma in primary care
Desktop Helper – A practical guide to improve difficult-to-manage asthma in primary care
The IPCRG’s desktop helper on difficult-to-manage asthma is available to download. This was freshly published in April 2024.
Difficult-to-manage asthma is categorised as a person facing these difficulties despite the (apparent) best possible treatment being in place:
Daytime asthma symptoms, more than twice/week
Any night awakening due to asthma-related symptoms
More than two exacerbations per year requiring rescue systemic corticosteroids1
Frequent use of SABA (≥3 canisters per year or ≥3 times per week)
Poor control despite prescription of high-dose ICS often in combination with LABA/LAMA or use of OCS1
Frequent primary care out-of-hours contacts (one or more per month).
ICS Inhaled corticosteroid, SABA short-acting beta-agonist, LABA long-acting beta-agonist, LAMA long-acting muscarinic antagonist, OCS oral corticosteroid
Authors include Jaime Correia de Sousa, Dermot Ryan, Garry McDonald, Hanna Sandelowsky, Katarina Stavric, Liam G Heaney, Luís Carvalho, Siân Williams
Reviewers are Steve Moritz, Vibeke Backer
The editor is Ian Wright
Endorsed by European Forum for Research and Education in Allergy and Airway Diseases (EUFOREA)
Funding: The desktop helper was funded from an educational grant from GSK plc. who provided a grant to support the development, typesetting, printing, translation and associated costs but did not contribute to the concept or content of this document.